Birth Control

Desert Star Institute for Family Planning
Gynecologist & Family Planning located in Phoenix, AZ
If you don’t want to become pregnant but are sexually active, you need to use a reliable form of birth control to prevent pregnancy. At Desert Star Family Planning in Phoenix, DeShawn Taylor, MD, MSc, FACOG, offers customized birth control consultations and prescriptions. Whether you use birth control pills or long-acting reversible contraception like an intrauterine device (IUD), Dr. Taylor can help you prevent unintended pregnancies. Call Desert Star Family Planning or make an appointment online today.
Birth Control Q & A
What are the available types of birth control?
Desert Star Family Planning offers a wide range of birth control options:
Birth control pills, patches, and rings
Birth control pills, patches, and rings all release hormones such as estrogen and progestin. You take a pill every day or change your patch or ring on a weekly or monthly basis, respectively.
Depending on the type of hormonal birth control you use, it could stop ovulation, thicken your cervical mucus, or both to prevent a sperm cell from reaching and fertilizing one of your eggs.
An IUD is a small T-shaped device that Dr. Tayler inserts into your uterus. IUDs are available in a nonhormonal option that uses copper to repel sperm and make your uterus an inhospitable environment for fertilization.
You can also opt for IUDs that slowly release progestin that thicken your cervical mucus and thins the lining of the uterus to prevent a sperm cell from reaching and fertilizing one of your eggs. Once Dr. Taylor places your IUD, it can prevent pregnancy for up to 12 years, depending on the type of IUD you choose.
Nexplanon is the brand name of the birth control implant. The implant is a three-inch long, thin rod that Dr. Taylor inserts under the skin of your upper inner arm. Nexplanon is a hormonal type of birth control — it slowly releases progestin to stop ovulation and thicken your cervical mucus. Nexplanon can prevent pregnancy for up to three years.
Depo-Provera is the birth control shot. Dr. Taylor gives you the injection once every three months. The injection includes progestin, which prevents ovulation and thickens your cervical mucus. To maximize the effectiveness of the birth control shot, you need to have the injection every 12 weeks.
How do I know which type of birth control is right for me?
Dr. Taylor provides birth control consultations and information to help you choose the type of birth control that’s best for your needs.
You need to consider factors such as effectiveness, cost, and whether using a particular type of birth control fits into your lifestyle. For example, can you take a pill at the same time every day?
What birth control methods also prevent STDs?
Only barrier contraception methods like condoms protect you from STDs. Luckily, you can always combine condoms with other types of birth control to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
If you have questions about birth control, call Desert Star Family Planning or make an appointment online today.