Blog Articles

 Do All Uterine Fibroids Require Treatment?

 Do All Uterine Fibroids Require Treatment?

Uterine fibroids are more common than many women realize, affecting a majority of women at some point during their lives. The good news is that most of them don’t cause noticeable symptoms. So, do they still need treatment? Here’s what you need to know.
Sep 18th, 2024

5 Common STDS and How They're Treated

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect millions of Americans, but the good news is that most STDs are easily treated. Here’s what to know about five of the most common STDs and their treatments.
Jun 20th, 2024
How Long Can I Have An IUD?

How Long Can I Have An IUD?

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a popular type of birth control, offering protection “automatically” without relying on a daily or monthly routine. In this post, learn how long IUDs remain effective so you can decide if it’s the proper method for you.
May 1st, 2024
I Feel Fine. Why Do I Need An Annual Female Exam?

I Feel Fine. Why Do I Need An Annual Female Exam?

When you’re feeling well, probably the last thing you’re thinking about is visiting the doctor’s office. But annual well visits are essential for helping you stay healthy. Here’s why you shouldn’t skip your next annual exam.
Apr 9th, 2024
What Does It Mean to Be Diagnosed with High-Risk HPV?

What Does It Mean to Be Diagnosed with High-Risk HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is extremely common, so most of us will develop an infection at some point. While most infections are clear on their own, high-risk strains of HPV can increase your risk of cancer. Here’s what you need to know.
Feb 5th, 2024
8 Invaluable Benefits of an Annual Physical Exam

8 Invaluable Benefits of an Annual Physical Exam

Annual physicals can seem unnecessary when you’re in good health. But actually, your yearly physicals can do a lot to help you stay healthy, especially as you age. Here are eight reasons why you should schedule your physical exam today.
Dec 31st, 2023
 Feminizing Hormone Therapy: What to Expect 

 Feminizing Hormone Therapy: What to Expect 

Feminizing hormone therapy is a life-changing experience, but that doesn’t mean it can be a little intimidating. Knowing what to expect during therapy helps reduce anxiety so you can focus on your journey.
Dec 19th, 2023
Does Condom Use Offer Protection From All STDs?

Does Condom Use Offer Protection From All STDs?

STDs are common, and rates are on the rise. Condoms can help prevent the spread of STDs when used correctly and consistently — but are condoms alone enough to completely prevent infection? We have the answer.
Nov 8th, 2023
 5 Warning Signs of a Possible Miscarriage

5 Warning Signs of a Possible Miscarriage

Miscarriages aren’t uncommon but require prompt medical care to avoid infection or other problems. Here are five signs to look for so you can seek medical care as quickly as possible.
Oct 1st, 2023
How a Medical and Surgical Abortion Differ

How a Medical and Surgical Abortion Differ

Abortion is a highly personal decision that every pregnant person makes for themself. Knowing your options helps you understand what to expect so that you can confidently approach your decision.
Sep 1st, 2023
I've Had Abnormal Pap Smear Results: Now What?

I've Had Abnormal Pap Smear Results: Now What?

Abnormal Pap smear results can be upsetting, but usually, they’re nothing to worry about. Still, they do require some extra follow-up to determine the cause. If you have an abnormal Pap result, here’s what happens next.
Jul 31st, 2023
Know the Signs of Early Miscarriage

Know the Signs of Early Miscarriage

Miscarriage is not uncommon, but it can still be serious. Recognizing the signs of early miscarriage can help you get treatment immediately to avoid potential complications and stay healthy.
Apr 10th, 2023
Young Latina woman wearing a hat surrounded by flowers with orange petals.

A Healthy Vagina is Our Friend

Maintaining a healthy vagina will help you avoid vaginal infections and the distress that can accompany them. This blog post provides an overview of common vaginal symptoms, treatment, and helpful tips for prevention.
Oct 30th, 2020
Distressed woman with closed eyes, head tilted down, and right hand covering side of upper face and head.

Why does it hurt when you pee?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common cause of painful urination; however, other conditions can lead to burning when you pee. This blog post discusses the various reason it can hurt to urinate and provides helpful tips for prevention.
Sep 20th, 2020