We provide abortion training through the Next Generation of Abortion Providers Program (NGAPP). First and second-year medical students observe clinical interactions, third-year students' rotations are tailored to their level of clinical experience and may involve performing procedures, and fourth-year medical students and residents perform procedures.
Clinical instruction includes abortion, contraception, early pregnancy loss, and other common women’s health conditions. We apply a reproductive justice lens to our work, so students have an experience very different from their traditional clinical rotations.
Trainees may schedule one to four-week rotations. Three to four-week rotations are recommended for a more comprehensive experience. Trainees pay an administrative fee based on the length of the rotation. We are also a site for the Medical Students for Choice Reproductive Health Externship Program. Out-of-state post-graduate physicians must obtain a temporary Arizona medical or osteopathic license. We will guide you through the process!
This patient-centered experience takes place in a private doctor’s office that fully integrates abortion with routine well care. The NGAPP training facility, Desert Star Family Planning, LLC, is a member clinic of the Abortion Care Network and the National Abortion Federation.
Filling Gaps in Traditional Medical Education
Two-thirds of the medical schools in the U.S. spend less than 30 minutes of class time on all aspects of abortion. We are engaging trainees early in their careers with exposure to family planning care provision which fills gaps in traditional medical education.
Empowering Reproductive Health Care Advocates
The abortion training program is provided within an integrative framework. We believe that learning about abortion in an environment where abortion occurs alongside general well-woman care increases student awareness and understanding that abortion is health care. In turn, they are inspired to advocate for women’s reproductive healthcare access and delivery, and are empowered to become advocates within their own communities.
Cultivating Abortion Providers
87% of all counties in the US have no abortion provider. It is imperative that we broaden the effort to increase access to the full range of reproductive health care by inspiring a newer generation of providers to integrate family planning care into their future practice.
Our Students
“The externship at Desert Star Institute for Family Planning has confirmed a longtime suspicion: for a doctor-in-training, passion is not enough. The clinical experiences and hands-on training I received have introduced and set the standard for the skills required to be a competent abortion provider. Dr. Taylor’s commitment to abortion access extends far beyond the walls of her clinic and her encouragement has strengthened a promise I made to myself when I decided to pursue medicine. I will not hope for someone else to provide abortions. I will earn a medical degree, seek training, and provide it myself. The clear, concise, and kind teaching at DSIFP has allowed me to continue to keep this promise, especially as I transition from student to physician.
I can only hope more training opportunities like what’s available at DSIFP will continue to exist and develop across the country, so those passionate about abortion care can practice under the supervision of experts before providing independently. As a medical student graduating in one week, I can confidently say this has been one of the best educational experiences I’ve ever had.”